
New York Mills is a unique Village.  Its inception was because of the Waloctt Mills.  The Village was forming gradually and carefully like a green little apple in the center of New York Stare, before the state thruway and Erie Canal came to be.  The neighboring villages incorporated earlier.  Whitesboro incorporated in 1813 and Yorkville in 1902.  Dr. Dean Harrison was elected first Mayor; Robert N. Healey and W.S.H. Baker were Trustees.  W.S. Thomas was the first Village Clerk and Charles Wayerink was the first police officer.  The Village is located in the very heart of New York State, in close proximity to the Mohawk River, many lakes and the spectacular Adirondack Mountains where residents can be dazzled by the fresh water lakes, valleys or mountains within a short time.  The visionary Village fathers wisely preserved all the natural beauty that the residents so prouldy share.  On every street there are spacious green lawns and gardens to be seen, fun to be had, and places to sit for a while.  The parks are plentiful and exciting attracions to all the residents.  The little ballpark field was enlarged by a wise Village purchase of the adjacent land to accommodate the growing needs.  It is located on Henderson Street and called the John Pietryka Park.  In the very center of the Village there are two adjacent, extensive parks, something for everyone in this charming Village.  There is a colorful and delightful park playground, which is well supervised by the Village.  It lies between Walcott and White Streets on Main Street.  The other park is dedicated to the Village Veterans and is proudly called the Pulaski Park after the Revolutionary War hero General Casimer Pulaski.  The park has a covered pavilion where many summer festivities are held and weekly band concerts are heard.  This park also has a very beautiful gazebo that crowns the rolling greens facing Main Street, between White and Floyd Streets. This diadem blooms with cascading flowers throughout the growing season and the fluttering American flags remind everyone of the price paid for freedom.

Over the 75 years, many improvements have been made.  The streets were widened and paved, and new streets were added, curbs installed and sidewalks put in.  New York Mills’ residents love to stroll, run and visit.  There is a special comfort in feeling safe in a Village where the streets are named after familiar people and landmarks.  The neighborhood watch had it origins in the Village.  The Village maintains almost 12 miles of streets and roads.

The origional one-room Library of 1930 was replaced with a beautiful stone building in 1973.  The Library houses over 24,000 books, audiotapes and videotapes.  The Library is located on the corner of Maple and Main Streets.  The post office located in the 300 block was moved to a new building on the corner of Church and Main Street in 1960.  In 1958 a beautiful public Junior and Senior High School was build on Marauder Boulevard, off Burrstone Road. The continuous expanse of grassy land makes this an appropriate setting for the beautiful school, which was enlarged to also accommodate children from kindergarten to 6th grades.

The village is extremely proud of the dedicated volunteer Fire Department. The firemen are very well trained, proficient and well equipped to handle all emergencies.  The municipal building on Main Street, in the center of the Village, houses the Fire Department’s equipment and emergency apparatus and is the location of the Village board room, the courthouse and the Police Department.

The Village of New York Mills has always been optimistic and vibrant with hope and excitement.  It is a Village where people enjoy and want to live. Residents love the landscaping and beautification efforts.  They enjoy getting involved with the Village government.  They create organizations where they can voice their opinions and show they care.  For the past 75 years, the Village Board has worked side-by-side with its residents.  The Board members are residents who share the same dreams and aspirations of making this Village a better place to live.  From its meager beginnings, the residents watched and helped the Village grow in stature and structure throughout all its growing pains.  There were frustrations sometimes that needed to be endured and many chanllenges and  responsibilities to be met.  The management of a Village is a huge responsibility.  The Village cherishes its people because its stored wealth lies in its people.  The people are the Village.  The bells still sound in the distance, and the people give many thanks for the Village. They are proud of its well-stocked Library, great schools, independent Fire Department, full time Police Department, beautiful Twin Ponds golf course, great restaurants, crowded churches, small and large businesses, balanced budgets and even the parks and sidewalks for baby carriages and joggers.  New York Mills is truly a Village the neighbors built and are proud of.